Monday, August 14, 2006

Judgment Day

I went to a blog once where listed on the "100 Things About Me" it said, "I love going to Wal-Mart, because it is there I feel skinny." I thought that was the funniest thing I had ever read.

I totally understand. But I'd like to go once step further and add something if I might.

I love going to Wal-Mart because it is there I feel skinnny and smart!
Let me fill you in as to why.

Chris and I went there yesterday- the Sunday afternoon prior to the first day of school. It was a mad-house. Exhausting, to say the least. And the place was filled with every type of person imaginable. Now, I try not to be a judgmental person. HA! I'm the most judgmental person I know! But I think you'll understand why!

I saw SEVERAL obese women riding around in those little scooter carts with the front baskets LOADED with baked goods, chips and soda! Make the connection, honey. Make the connection.

I saw a meek woman, with an imposing man, and a BIG black bruise on her left cheek. Hoping it was a door in the middle of the night.

I saw a heroin thin woman with stringy hair in the shortest shorts ever dragging her kids through the store - with two BIG hickeys on her neck. Lovely.

I saw a pregnant sixteen year old child, with her little thug boyfriend. She had no eyebrows, lots of black eyeliner, and her belly hanging out severely. He had his pants down to his knees, and was 'pimp walking' in front of her. Promising.

I saw countless plastic mothers and the next generation of plastic daughters. Over-processed hair, leather thick over-processed skin, and frosty pale pink lipstick. It's 2006 ladies - Farrah's like 60 now!

I saw young women in 'break-neck' heels, strutting their stuff through the school supplies. Education can't buy self-respect.

I saw people with no teeth buying frivolous electronics. Priorities, folks.

I saw kids tearing things off the shelves, while their parents just ignored it. Ah! The next generation of thoughtless assholes.

I saw 'Jello pudding' parents who tried softly reasoning with their irrational two-year old in the midst of a horrific temper tantrum. Hey folks - news flash - YOU'RE the one in charge!

I heard a yearly dose of things like, "I ain't got no...," "I seen...," (which Chris says - but it bothers me less with him for some reason - cuz I love him, maybe?) "Yo, that's tight!," "get your butt...," "I'll whip your butt...," etc.

The experience, however, was peppered with glimpses of 'normal' people. People who seemed more our speed. Women who weren't dolled up. Families who spoke kindly to each other. People who actually had fruits and vegetables in their carts. Parents who actively parented their children. Couples who showed their affection for each other by holding hands. Fathers who carried their babies.

I call Wal-Mart, "Wally World." And the trip yesterday was a shining example of why. Trips to Wally World just seem to throw the true reality of things at you. The world is a discouraging place.

I have great moral reserve shopping there - really I do. That, coupled with placing myself in the company of SO many people for whom I have little to no respect, is making me re-think my shopping habits. Maybe I should go to the grocery store for groceries! And head to the corner drug store for toiletries! Ya think?

There is a part of me, a BIG part of me, who wants to live in a bubble. I don't want to have to share my world with ignorant, uneducated, priority-screwed, self-centered people. I don't. People like that make me really pissed off - judgmental.

I wish I could be one of those people who was either oblivious, understanding, or tolerant. But I'm not.

Go ahead, judge me.


Blogger Pendullum said...

That was Beautiful...
and I never thought of Walmart as a zoo...
But well...
It is...

10:41 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

I'm with you - I judge you judge and believe it or not they were judging you. We all do it to each other every time we see someone we make a judgment. We think about whether we feel safe around them, like the way they look, want to be like them, would let our kids play with their kids... it's what humans do. Don't feel bad about it, own it.

No doubt the plastic moms were feeling bad that you hadn't had your nails done recently, the teen mom was wondering how hard it must be for you facing wrinkles, the Jell-O parents wondered why anyone would treat their children as well - children. The heroine woman was thinking how fat you were, the obese ladies probably thought you were anorexic, the break neck heeled girls looked at your practical shoes and rolled their eyes, and the thoughtless assholes didn't even notice you.

You are just the only one talking about it on the internet. Let me also say you are my crowd, just a normal, aware, informed, caring lady (who likes to judge) who would fit right in a Target. LOL

2:44 PM  
Blogger Lynilu said...

"It's 2006 ladies - Farrah's like 60 now!" ???

Hey!! Watch it, lady! Now that's getting personal!!


WM is a place for an education for relatively normal adults, isn't it? I really avoid it as much as possible. When I have to go there, I try to go when people are working. I can do that since I'm retired. And over 60!!!

6:44 PM  
Blogger noncommon said...

Lyn- now you know that wasn't a crack at age, but at being out of touch! i'd never insult my Lyn!

bombadee- you know i was thinking the same thing - about them judging me. and target is SO much better! i'm so there.

pendullum- 'a zoo' perfectly put!

6:51 PM  
Blogger Catherine said...

Wal-Mart...I avoid it the same way I avoid all other radioactive locales. It's a nasty, dangerous place!

8:11 PM  
Blogger Lynilu said...

I know that, girl!! Just couldn't resist! Smiles!!

9:28 PM  
Blogger Oblivious Maven said...

I used to hate Walmart, thought it was dirty and gross, but then a SuperWalmart moved in near here. It's clean and organized and quiet. Other than it running out of stock constantly (wasn't that their creed, being able to stock stuff?), I'm addicted. Well, maybe it's because I don't have to go on weekends anymore, unless I really have to.

Oh, and this week, I had a Chi straightening-iron burn on my neck. But I wasn't heroin-thin. Wasn't me! lol!

10:29 PM  
Blogger Christina_the_wench said...

Why does Wal-Mart attract the 'less than socially norm' people? I call it white trash town. If you can go in there with tunnel vision, "I must get that sprinkler....yes, the sprinkler.." and not look around you, you will be ok. Of course, I never got the allure of Kohl's either and those are popping up everywhere here in Michigan.

5:46 AM  
Blogger The Silent K said...

I feel for that 16 year old girl.

6:17 AM  
Blogger noncommon said...

krista - i'm with you on that, but who i really feel for is the little person waiting to be born.

7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only that, but in small towns (and even in larger ones) Mom & Pop stores can't stay in business because everyone goes to Wal-Mart. Family owned plant nurseries, specialty food shops, clothing stores...all lose out because people all want to get everything done at one place and they want it done cheaply.

If I HAVE to to that, I go to Target. Otherwise, WalMart just makes me depressed.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Marcie said...

That was effin' hilarious.
We were at Wal-Fart a few weeks ago and it was gay night. How frickin' cool is that? Especially in the Northland burbs.
A few weeks before that it was stripper night. One chick was wearing a see through shirt sans bra and her boyfriend was really proud. Another had her thong popping out and could not stop bending over to show her crack.
Didn't anyone ever tell her that crack kills?

9:58 AM  
Blogger BoomBoom said...

I even judge myself for judging others.

10:02 AM  
Blogger noncommon said...

wordgirl- that's why i have 'moral reserve' shopping there in the first place.

tot- i do that too!

oblivious- yea, right. uh-huh. sure it wasn't you.

catherine- radioactive & TOXIC on more levels than one

christina- i don't get the kohl's thing either, or marshall's, or any other store like that. they're a little weird, i think.

marcie- did you see liz on stripper night?

10:34 AM  
Blogger spotted elephant said...

Being obese is miserable beyond the telling. Sometimes, unhealthy "food" is the only comfort available.

Everything you do hurts when you're obese. You don't have energy. Your life can be awful and you're a ready target for everyone.

The people who say "just eat healthy and exercise" haven't been obese. They don't know the pain involved. Eating healthy and getting appropriate exercise is difficult for thin people. It's a whole other ball of wax for the obese.

Everyone has problems with doing too much or too little of something. Fat just happens to be obvious.

7:45 PM  
Blogger noncommon said...

i agree with you.
however, when the only food items in a persons cart are unhealthy, hydrodegenated, high-fructose, sodium filled items, my sympathy level drops.
eating right and taking care of oneself through exercise is difficult for most everyone, for a host of reasons - time, money, health reasons, etc.
when someone can't walk through a store because of their weight, and they're purchasing crap like little debbie's and lay's potato chips, there's a serious problem. a problem, i might add, that in part can be fixed with a little more self-respect.
hell, i'm a junk food addict. but i know those things aren't good for me, so i hold court and try my damnedest to not comfort myself with chocolate cake. i've been on the crap food binges - it's a hard cycle to break, but my body feels toxic when i'm in one, so i let that knowledge be my guide. (jiminy cricket anyone?)
nobody expects perfect, just effort.

7:23 AM  
Blogger Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Ahh the questioning of ones self..judgemental or not? selfish (me) or not? Yes, these are good questions..

5:26 AM  
Blogger Lulabelle said...

Yes, I hate WalMart and you painted a great picture of why. Every time I go there I go home extremely stressed out. Every few months (when I was still in the States) I would get the urge to crawl back to their low prices and one day of shopping there was enough to keep me away for another few months. I think WalMarts in the South are the worst though!

5:55 AM  
Blogger cara said...

I lived in the States for two years and remember the whole Walmart experience. One of the things I really miss about living in the US is feeling thin.

I have put on a lot of weight in the few years (14lbs or so) and when we go back to Illinois I don't feel as bad about it! Spend some time in a few grocery stores and it is like being transformed in to Kate Moss for the day!

12:46 PM  

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