Tuesday, January 31, 2006

No News Is Good!

Alright, I've been thinking for some time now that I really need to stop watching the news. I have to admit that I'm a little addicted to it. And yeah, I watch because I want to know what the weather is so as not to send the kids to school in a parka on a 70* day. Truth be told, I'm fascinated by the world. But every night it's the same thing - the same demographic, committing the same crime, in the same neighborhood. The same chosen few, performing great feats of generosity, and patting themselves on the back. Occasionally, however, there's a story that literally guts me. A story that makes my spirit cry, my body hurt, and my mind short circuit. Last night I saw one of those stories, complete with video. Live footage of a man pulling a plastic back out of a river in Brazil, opening it up and finding a newborn girl - dressed in a pretty little pink outfit with a bow in her hair. Footage of people frantically ripping her wet clothes off her and wrapping her in a dry towel. Footage of her mother being led away in handcuffs as she told the story of "giving" her child to a homeless couple because she couldn't take care of her anymore. I was stunned. I was in disbelief. I hurt. And then I thought to myself - did I really need to see that? Did I really need to know that happened? Am I a better person because I have that information now? And the answer is NO! I am grateful; relieved; happy that child was saved. But then I wonder how many weren't, aren't and will never be. That pain is too much for me. So, I've decided that from this day forward, I'm not watching the news any more. I'll get the weather information I need from other sources. I'll listen to news stations on the radio (potentially icky too, I know). I'll read the newspaper and filter out the sensational stories that gut me. Does this mean I'm going to stop caring; trying to make this world better? HELL NO! I will "Think globally - Act locally!" I will continue to "save" stray animals. I will involve myself in affairs that instinct tells me to. I will help somebody who looks like they need assistance. I will teach my children to act with empathy and compassion. I will always screw up on the side of caution rather than safety. I'd much rather piss somebody off and be wrong than walk away from something I can change. So, my point? I don't know. Just that this world is really such a beautiful place; I'm tired of feeling like it's ugly. I'm a lucky girl all the way around. I like my world. I love the fact that I'm loved. And I love the fact that I have people I love. I'm going to operate from that station for awhile.


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