Look Who's ONE!

December 9th marked Roxy's first birthday!
I'm having a hard time believing she's already one. It's going by so fast.
And I have to say, she is the coolest little kid you'll ever meet - and smart too!
She's easy going, but determined.
She is happy - very, very happy.
She laughs just to be part of the group.
She claps at the word "Yeah!"

She studied herself fake crying in the mirror the other day, and then used her new found talent on her dad later that night.
She loves to tell everyone she meets "Hi.", and does so in the prettiest little deep voice you've ever heard.
She loves to do things she knows she's not supposed to and raises her eyebrows when you tell her "No!"
She has lashes as long as a doe.
She walks like she just got off a horse.
She is off the bottle without one complaint.
She eats Cheerios with milk for breakfast.
She loves her huggy bear.
She loves her family.
She is the baby I thought I'd never have. She is the baby Chris thought he'd never have. She's the little sister of two enamoured big brothers.

She's our Roxy. The most beautiful little girl in the world.