One A Penny, Two A Penny Buy My Crap

This weekend I'm tackling the horrific task of having a garage sale. As a matter of fact, if you're reading this on Friday or Saturday, that's where I am right now!
All I have to say is this:
I'm embarrassed at the amount of crap I have accumulated.
I'm disappointed I didn't have the time to finish all those fabulous "projects" I envisioned.
I'm hopeful that all the "someones" for all the "stuff" will come and take it all away.
I'm not allowing any of this stuff back into the house. IT MUST GO!!!
So anyway, it's getting late and I have to go clean out a refrigerator, take a shower, go fix a couple of signs, and go to bed.
Wish me luck. And send everyone one you know my way. I'm bound to have something they just can't live without!
Them were YARD sales in my neighborhood growing up. Nobody we knew had a garage.
But, yes, best of luck to you this weekend!
If only I were closer... I'm a sucker for a good garage sale.
Don't open your garage door until you're ready. There are those who will be there before you are ready. Really. There are sickos who get up that early because they like it. *shudder*
I have never liked doing garage sales. Just a thing about me, I guess. I love to go and browse throught someone else's junk, however. What's with that? Hey, girl, whatever you have, close your eyes for a moment and imagine multiplying it by 30 years. That's what I've been doing!! You're smart to do it a little at a time.
PS - I'll bet someone in the family sneaks something back into the house. It's called "seller's regret"!!! LOL
I love the table from the 50s it looks like the one in my kitchen. (I think my dad payed an arm and a leg for it at an antique shop - hope you get lots for yours)
Is that a copper-toned birdcage?
I'm a sucker for copper.
catherine- yup, we have yard sales here too. my dad made great signs and they say "garage", so we went with that.
oblivious- yea, i know all about those people. if they bother me, they get their heads chewed off. luckily for them, they mind their manners.
waya- a donut machine? i'm so not telling my kids!
lynilu- the one with sellers remorse would be me. but i've been really good about limiting myself and not thinking emotionally.
jenny- i love that table and if it doesn't sell, i don't know what i'm gonna do. all i'm asking is $40! and so far no buyers. whatever.
tot- nope, the birdcage was made of wood. it's purely a decorative piece. and today, i'm glad to say, it sold for 1/7 of what i paid for it. (yup, i actually sat here and figured that out. - i'm a dork, i know)
Cameo, you are braver than I. I chicken out and take my stuff to Goodwill.
And I've lived in urban areas for so long that until we moved here, I didn't realize how HUGE garage sales are. Especially the Friday/Saturday schedule. Who knew?
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