Only Hours To Go!

Like I said in my last post, April has been sucky on a host of levels. After I wrote that, I got more bad news - my dear friend Gigi has to have triple by-pass surgery. She's one of the loves of my life. She's 88, the most liberal being you'll ever meet (from Boston, of course, with a delicious accent), she's an old vaudeville performer, and spunky as the day is long. She delights at playing the piano, and does so for the "senior center." Whatever! She goes to play for people who are younger than she. She's just an amazing gal - she got good ju-ju. Anyway, the doctors gave her an 80% success rate for pulling through the surgery well. She feels positive about it. But the whole thing still rips.
And then, the other night, while driving to rehearsal, the car in front of me hit a cat on the highway. It wasn't instant. I had to stop and be with this animal as it suffered itself into death. I placed my hands on it until it died. Just touching it in the hopes that having some love would help.

So, today is the last day of April. The shittiest month I've had for a really long time. Actually, I don't think I've ever had a shittier month.
And tomorrow is May 1st! MayDay! Yes, we still celebrate MayDay in my family. We take flowers to people and leave them on their porches. My dad brings me flowers and tries to sneak away.

This year I cheated and tonight, left him his on the back porch. He called me, "It's not MayDay yet!" "Yea, well I'm 7 hours and 10 minutes early - get over it! I got you!" I'll wake up with flowers on my porch in the morning. And they'll be beautiful. And I'll love them. And they'll signify the fresh start that I'm in such need of. And I won't get to chase him because he'll probably come by tonight after he gets out of rehearsal. But tomorrow, I'll kiss him.
Oh, and on a final note. Keeping true to the "April sucks" theme. I got my period today.